Ulf Rosberg elected Chairman at Payair

News 29.12.2014
Ulf Rosberg elected Chairman at Payair

We are pleased to announce that Ulf Rosberg has been elected to chair the board of directors at Payair Technologies AB.

Ulf brings close to 20 years of experience from active ownership at one of the leading private equity firms – Nordic Capital. Ulf Rosberg is a Senior Advisor and partner at Nordic Capital. He serves as a Director at Mölnlycke Health Care, Bufab, Nefab AB since 2007. Ulf holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and a major in Finance from New York University, Stern School of Business in New York.

“Payair is entering an exiting new development phase. I am confident that Payair will succeed in capturing a significant market share and build new business with Nordic financial institutions and global payment systems”, says Ulf Rosberg, Chairman, Payair Technologies.