Token Control

Tokenization is a process where Card Schemes replace the original card number (PAN) with a surrogate value called a token (or digital card number). Tokenization enhances security and improves approval rates.

Moving from physical cards to tokens raises a question for cardholders of how to consolidate view and control of all their cards stored with different merchants and wallets.

I know that I saved my cards with several merchants, subscriptions and wallets. How can I control them in a simple and unified way?

Thanks to Payair’s Token Control SDK cardholders can manage how, when and where their card tokens are stored – across merchants, devices and digital wallets. It offers cardholders a single, unified view of their digital payment credentials from a banking app or website.

We enable Banks to bring additional convenience and control of cards and tokens to their end-users.

Our product is agnostic and works both for Android and iOS.

There is no need to use multiple external wallet applications for push provisioning, your customers can finally push cards conveniently from their trusted banking application.



  • Cardholders will be able to have a secure and unique digital banking experience to manage owned cards. Banks will transform their banking app into a state-of-the-art customer engagement tool with a secure user interface adapted to Bank’s visual identity.
  • Token Control creates a natural extension of banks’ Card Management Systems, integrating seamlessly with their existing infrastructures.


  • View a list of tokens associated with their cards.
  • API updates a token automatically when a card is replaced, stolen or lost, and associate the existing token with the new card (PAN).
  • Highly customizable with replaceable fonts, colours and images.
  • Plug and play, use in any existing banking app.