Payair now implements MDES support for Merchants

News 30.01.2019
Payair now implements MDES support for Merchants

MDES (Mastercard Digital Enablement Service) for Merchants is a tokenization and digitization solution for eCommerce merchants that uses a token, in combination with a transaction-specific cryptogram, to provide EMV-based security for card-on-file transactions.

This delivers the security of network-tokenized transactions for credential-on-file use cases, enabling users to save tokenized credentials with merchants. Tokens replace PANs to ensure card details are not shared with the merchants. The solution is an important building block to prevent fraud and reduce friction to provide secure e-commerce.

Payair is now ready to support banks and financial institutions in implementing this to offer even safer online transactions, with experience from doing this with leading Nordic banks.

“Tokenization is the foundation for secure digital payments. MDES for Merchants is the next step in this evolution and we are very pleased we have great knowledge in supporting both banks and financial institutions in implementing this in the best possible way”, says Sören Babra, CEO Payair.

For more information on MDES for Merchants watch a short video from Mastercard.